“San Sebastian at Home” festival Zapore Jai baruan dago

We’ll be LIVE from our house diving into the world of incredible Iberico products. You will not only learn how to differentiate Spanish hams but also see how to carve it. We will talk about local gourmet products from our store too … you should definitely watch! We will be part of the « San Sebastian at Home » festival, watch our following tune on Instagram the next 6th of May at 7h00 pm, and don’t miss the tunes of all ours partners! #sansebastianathome #eatonefeedone #ardoteka #sansebastianwinepost #karabeleko #oribaytours #basquenomads #feelfree_rentals #chefbensansebastian #ikusnahi_tours #dsssailing #baskforall #basquelandbrew #zaporejai